Does Looking For Signs Of Her Infidelity Really Put Your Mind At Ease

A common reason that men who think the woman that they are in a relationship with is cheating on them give for wanting to or looking for signs of her infidelity is that they believe it will help put their mind at ease.

Now this might be true if it turns out that she really is cheating on you, however knowing that the woman you are in a relationship with is cheating on you doesn’t really put your mind at ease.

Of course, if she isn’t cheating on you then your mind will not ever be at ease for two big reasons;

  1. Every relationship will have “signs” that she is cheating even though it doesn’t mean she is cheating.
  2. Your thinking she is cheating on you isn’t going to stop until whatever it is that causing you to think she is cheating on you changes; which most of the time has nothing to do with the signs you are looking for if she isn’t cheating on you.

In other words, once you begin looking for signs of her cheating on you the only time you can or will stop looking is once you have discovered that she is cheating or she breaks up with you; whichever comes first!

If you really want to put your mind at ease you must ask yourself what is causing you to think that she is cheating on you?

If it is something that she has to change in order for your thoughts to go away then tell her about it and be prepared to walk away if she isn’t willing to change irregardless of if she is cheating on you or not.

After all in your mind she already is and that isn’t going to change unless somebody is willing to make a change in their thoughts or behaviors.

Teddy Shabba has been helping men achieve happiness and success with women in a way that allows you to feel authentic and comfortable with women.
If you are a man looking to make a change with women for the better Teddy Shabba is available for one-on-one coaching and can be reached by visiting his website at